PRAISE | what people have to say

Vanessa Spina is an experienced, resourceful and responsive teacher and coach. Over the past seven years I have sought Vanessa's expertise in a class, workshop and private sessions. I have also recommended her for a teaching appointment in a highly regarded performance training program.
Here are the qualities in Vanessa's teaching which are exceptional. She is extremely clear. Her thoughtful descriptive cuing allows the student to practice in an extremely secure space. One understands in mind and body where the pose is meant to live and to feel safe in moving towards getting there. Vanessa teaches yoga where the student is at, as opposed to where she is at! This allows one to be challenged but not discouraged, supported but not at risk. She is watchful and responsive to issues that arise in class.
Her innate musicality shows up in the planning of sequences, in the opportunities to explore chanting and in the sensitive choices of music which enhance the practice.
Her personal generosity and ability to build community amongst all levels of yogis makes each class rich and affirming.
Elizabeth Bradley
Arts Professor, Department of Drama
Tisch School of the Arts
"I wanted to thank you for the past 4 or 5 years of Friday morning yoga at ‪Crunch‬ Union Square. Often, your class is the only time I visit the gym all week. I am sad that I’ll miss your final class this week.
You created a space for community, for refuge, a place to disengage from the frantic city outside, yet always anchoring our practice, for us to take it with us back out there. You taught us to pay attention to the impact of the seasons on our bodies, and on our emotional states."
"The weekly partner work grew both our practice and the sense of play and community, and even if I didn’t often stay back to chat with others, I felt very embraced by it.
The chanting, the music, and the gentle themes woven though anecdotes in each class were a tonic for my soul. I truly don’t know what my New York will be without the sanity that 90 minutes in your Friday space provided. It has meant a great deal to me.
Anthony Anderson- East Village

"We were reminded constantly of the power of nature, even in the concrete canyons. You taught us to honor ourselves for showing up – and that kinder inner dialogue has been hugely beneficial for someone like me, often working from home, with a strong inner critic."